In a Sweet Little Cottage by the Sea.

I have been so blessed in the past 6 days. My boss gave me the week off and I was able to spend some great time with my family.  My mom is a trooper, let me tell you.  She not only will sit and listen to me cry, but she will scratch my back and put her arm around me while I cry. THEN she listens to me talk it all out for a few hours. THEN she takes care of a ton of the undoing and details while I run away to try to feel better. 
Basically, I love her a lot. She is a great mom and the best mom for me. 

After spending time with family I was able to spend time with friends; new and old. I love it. I love making new friends. I'm starting to feel back to normal and it is wonderful. I feel so much lighter. I'm not constantly worried and stressed about appeasing, pleasing, changing and planning.
Anyways, as I ran away from everything I ended up in Northern California to do some kayaking. 
"Make new friends but keep the old"
Would have been a great theme song for the day. Although, it would have gotten really old really fast. 
We loaded up the kayaks, unloaded them, hopped in and headed out. The fog was pretty thick and I was worried about being cold while we were out in the water, but I wasn't cold at all ((tender mercy)) which is weird, because I am always cold. 
As we paddled around the cove a seal popped up a few feet away from us.  It is so cool for me to see animals in the ocean.  I just love animals. He was swimming around us and I loved just sitting back and staring at him and the way that he moved.  We then continued to paddle out to some dunes. There were these pelicans on the beach that were HUGE! Like, very large.  I would estimate for you, but I am incapable of an accurate estimate. So, I apologize.  You'll just have to trust me on this.
Then we paddled through the boats.  It was not until recently that I started thinking about sail boats.  They have never been a part of my life, but I have always wanted to try sailing.  It just never seemed plausible and I had never done it! We saw a sailor coming in on his sailboat. I want to sail. It looks like it can be kind of scary, so I want to learn from someone experienced.  But, I'm excited to do that.  I am going to set up some lessons when I am back in California for law school.  A great Saturday lesson, outing, workout and relaxation.
Then, we paddled by the homes and the restaurants in this tiny little town.  It was perfect.  The cottages made me feel like I was in a book.  I took a second, stopped paddling and just laid my head back to soak up the rays that were gloriously fighting their way through the fog to reach me. I closed my eyes.  It was so serene.  The sound of the water lightly lapping against the kayak, the distant sound of seals on a dock, the sound of the wind in my ears, the tickle on my face as the sun starts to make contact with my skin, the taste of the salt in the air and the gentle rocking of the ocean all combined to make a totally serene and peaceful moment.
I have not felt more peace, joy and happiness in the past few days than I did in that moment.  I whispered a quick prayer of gratitude, grabbed my oars and started catching up to the group. 
The sun continued to break through for our path.  All around us there was fog, but not where we were kayaking. Coincidence? Wouldn't believe it for a second.
A sea otter popped up about ten feet away from me.  He was holding a rock on his chest and hitting  a shell against the rock to get his dinner out. I was mesmerized.  I just stopped paddling and stared at him and his adorable movements. His hands, his ears, his eyes and even his teeth and tongue were just so flippin cute.  He was working hard on that shell and was having the time of my life watching him.
There is something about being out in nature.  When you can't hear the cars zooming around you and you can't hear the chitter chatter or the hum of crowds.  That silence is something that I yearn for.  My friend said it perfectly when we were all out, paddles up just floating. 
"I love the sounds of nothing"

It was not until recently that I was introduced to the beauty that comes from Pine trees on the coast. I had never thought of it before, really.  The deep green from the Pine trees standing courageously at the coast line that is peppered with deep blues, light blues, white and sand.
Just the color themselves are incredible.  But to me, it is the feeling it gives me.  The idea that the rustic and protected feeling that I've found in forests like that one can join forces with the fun and relaxing beach. It's a natural dream team. After being introduced to this, I have fallen in love! I look for it, I see it and I crave it.  
I was surrounded by it all day to day. I loved every second of it. 
I have decided I am going to live in a beach cottage.
Comfy. Cozy. Clean. Soft. Warm. Relaxing. 
Here is a sneak peak as to what my beach cottage will consist of...

 Welcome to my humble abode.

This is where I will serves some good home cookin, listen to the ocean breeze and hear the water lapse on the rocks. During the day I can sit with my kids on this deck and teach them how to read! 

 My perfect kitchen! Where the magic happens. 

This is where I will come after a long day of playing with my kids. After running on the beach, playing tickle monster, learning how to read, playing sports and laughing with my kids you will find me here. Or, it may be just be coming here after a long day of work, in high heels. But, when I sit down here I will be in a pair of leggings, a sports bra and a big loose shirt. Snuggled up with a great book.

Quaint, clean and classy.  A perfect living room. Just gotta check if those chairs are more comfortable than they look...

The guest room. So, you (maybe) can come visit me :)

My babies' room. 
The bed that I will love to crawl into with freshly shaved legs to feel the crisp clean sheets. Doesn't it just look decadent!? Perfect size for some good snoogling. ;) 
And then, of course, the blankets.  There has to be LOTS and LOTS of soft and scrumptious blankets. Cuddling up in a blanket is one of my favorite things to do. I love blankets! 

Come and live with me
In a sweet little cottage by the sea
Where roses grow around the door
And flowers bloom for evermore
Inside my cottage clean and neat
A big brick fireplace will give out heat
Outside the birds will sing all day
And on the beach the children play
So come to the cottage by the sea
And see how happy we will be.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. Pretty sure I could've written it myself! Love love love the dream cottage pics! Come visit us for some pine trees on the beach :)
