Sticks and Stones.

Isn't it sad that some people can make you feel like being you isn't 'right' or isn't 'good enough'? 

Unrighteous judgment is so fiercely against Christ's teachings.

It's so sad that some people live a life that is so void of substance that they have to fill their time discussing and tearing apart the nuances of others' personalities. How disheartening to think that there are people out there that think it is okay to be kind, loving and fake to someone's face and then rip them apart the second they leave the room. I pray for them. Because, what they do not realize, what they CANNOT realize is that they are tearing apart a child of God that is just as loved as they are. In God's eyes we are his children and we are equal. It is my belief that as we stand in front of God we will not only have to account for the way that we treated EACH of his children we come into contact with but we will also have to account for the way that we speak of his children.

I'm going to try to really focus on this concept this week as I study and pray.  Sometimes, it is really hard. 

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