
Today I am at work.  Minding my own business and typing away on my computer. All of the sudden my lunch club shows up in my cubicle.  See, I know when it is lunch time because these two salesmen peek their head into my cubicle and ask what I brought for lunch today to see if they want a bite. Sometimes one bite turns into a few, so I've started packing rather large lunches.  Which, in and of itself, can be embarrassing when I am walking into work but that is another story.

Anyways, Jay, Roger (changed names of course) and I always start off lunch hour with this ritualistic 'everyone try Rachel's lunch' moment. But today the office was a little chaotic, everyone was moving every which way getting ready for the big move to the new upstairs office. Some of the salesmen had already ran upstairs to call dibs on a desk (....yes, just like a second grader would do) and to make sure no one took their desk decided to mark their desk by leaving something of theirs on the desk (...yes, similar to what male dogs do). 

So, Jay comes over to have bite of my lunch and offers me a bite of his.  We share a few words before he heads back to his desk.  About an hour later I see him starting to move his stuff up to his new desk.  I nonchalantly roll out of my cubicle and harass him about where he is moving. "Which desk?" I ask. "Why so early?" I ask. "Why do you have so much crap!?" "Is that all going to fit on the new desk?" "Should I be moving my stuff?" "When is the official move-in date?"....you get the picture.

He's kind of quiet but I just assumed I was being obnoxious.  Not taking a hint I continued badgering him until I was sufficiently satisfied with the answers I had received.

About ten minutes after Jay walked away, his manager popped into my cubicle for a friendly visit.  To let me know that Jay had just been fired.


And to please stop asking him about where he was going.


AND to not say anything to anyone else because he was very upset about losing his job.

The phrase "I wanted to put my foot in my mouth" has never made more sense or been more applicable. So, naturally I started crying. I felt horrible. It took 4 articles worth of tears brimming out of my eyes to fall on my firetruck red cheeks to compose myself.

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