Watch for Rocks.

I've driven back and forth from CA to UT what feels like a million times.  It was not until this trip that I discovered the most terrifying sign on the freeway.
I mean, are we serious here!!!!! 

First, WHAT DO YOU MEAN WATCH FOR ROCKS?!?! I am watching.  AND THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.  I am driving through a mother freakin CANYON! OF COURSE I SEE THE ROCKS! So, now what?!? I'm watching...and they are there.

Second, are you implying that they are going to FALL ON ME! Because, frankly I don't think I'm going to be able to swerve to avoid those suckers. I'm going to be a little distracted from my ROCK WATCHING POST by...I dunno...THE ROAD! Yeah, this swervy and twisty death trap of a CANYON road is kind of preoccupying my attention.

Third, what if it is dark outside!? How am I supposed to see the rocks then!?

Finally, lets say I am lucky enough to see a major rock slide begin.  Or even one tiny 1 ton rock start to catapult its way towards my car. WHAT DO I DO ABOUT IT!?!?! We never had those drills in elementary school.  No sirree. 

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