Take a look. It's in a book.

"When I grow up, I want a library."

".....a library huh? How big?"

"Real big."

"And what kind of books do you want to have in your library?"

"All of them. There is nothing like getting lost in a good book.  Becoming attached to the characters. Catching yourself laughing out loud or realizing you have tears streaming down your face.  I've learned significant life lessons from books and from the characters within books. I just love them, a lot.  Like, I should be an ad for reading rainbow. That's how much I love them"

".....I've always preferred real life"


(laughing)"but if you want a library, a library you shall have m'lady."

Don't get me wrong, I love real life but I cannot wait to have a library or at least a decent bookshelf to store all my books!

Maybe this someday...

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